Welcome to "Falcon Blog" my online New Zealand travel journal! After reading this Welcome, a good place to start would be with the "Highlights" link on the right. If you want to read everything, go through the "Archives" links on the right. Since this is a blog, the most recent posts are on top. If you want to read in chronological order, start from the bottom and read up.
I was working and traveling in New Zealand from November 2004 to April 2005. I have a job with Massey University, documenting the natural history of the New Zealand falcon (Falco novaeseelandiae) in Kaingaroa Forest, which is in the central plateau of the North Island of New Zealand. I plan to treat this website as a journal, partly for my own personal enjoyment and partly as a way to keep in touch with people. I plan to make it as nice as I can, but it will depend how much computer-time I can get. I hope you will visit often, and please give the address http://nzfalcon.blogspot.com to as many people as you wish.
One great thing about this website is that I can post pictures of my trip here instead of crowding your e-mail inbox with megabytes of attachments. For example, see the photo of Lake Rotorua (vaguely near Kaingaroa) below. Another feature is that you can leave comments here that anyone can see. Of course, you can also send e-mail, if you prefer. Also, I can post interesting or informative links in the sidebar to the right, which allows you to read cool stuff at your leisure. If you miss a few posts, you can see them in the "Archives" area to the right. Finally, my understanding is that once I have established a website on the internets, fame and fortune will inevitably follow. So, I really hope you will bookmark this site and come visit it from time to time. And leave a comment! Wish me luck!
Best of luck, Matthew. Don't get sucked into a mud volcano. And write home. -D.
1:19 PM
Thanks for the very descriptive updates. 'Sounds as if things have started well. 'Looking forward to seeing the pix. --D.
P.S. Steelers knocked off Eagles--first NFL team to take down two 6-0 teams back-to-back.
2:51 PM
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