Blogging from Kaingaroa

January 13, 2005

Why They Pay Me the Big Bucks

Here I am, hard at work. This is a small adult male falcon that we caught. I am measuring the cere to tip length, which means beak length. You can see the yellow and white plastic bands on one leg. That is so we can identify him from a distance. The other leg has a metal band with a unique serial number so, if caught anywhere by anyone, he can be identified.

Anyhoo, this is the really cool, fun part of work. I've more or less gotten used to handling them. It is not super complicated: you grab their bottom half and don't let go. They seem quite calm as you hold them (but they are birds, so it is hard to know) and they usually don't struggle at all. If you relax though, they will take their freedom in a second.

Posted by Hello


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