Blogging from Kaingaroa

February 07, 2005

Super Bowl

I saw the Super Bowl today. It was noon on Monday over here. Certainly a close one, although not quite as dramatic as some recent ones. We had the Sky (British) broadcast here, so I missed all the big ads. The announcers kept explaining what a false start is and what an onside kick means and so on, since it was meant for an international audience. Plus, after I arrived, there were three of us in the bar watching the Super Bowl. Not quite as big an event here. But congrats to the lousy stinking Patriots.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First the Sox, now the Patriots. Dare I say it? Boston Celtics - 2005 NBA Champions? That would complete an unprecedented sweep of the major sports. Of course, this assumes that the Bruins would have taken the title this year. A bold assertion, yes. But I challenge you to find anyone that can prove they wouldn't.

Matt, sorry your Steelers didn't make it this far. They put up a noble fight. Now, as for your beloved Blue Devils, we'll see after tomorrow what kind of team they really are.


6:00 PM


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